Over the years, I have learned that there is a lot of misinformation circulating about bankruptcy. Much of the information is good and gives a fair description of how a bankruptcy filing may impact you. However, there is a lot of misinformation or simply untrue information about bankruptcy. The next several blogs will deal with a number of these myths people may read about filing bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy Myth 10: Even If You File For Bankruptcy, Creditors Will Still Harass You and Your Family.
FACT: The minute you file bankruptcy, the Bankruptcy Court issues a Federal Court order telling all of your creditors to leave you alone, or else they will be fined. There is nothing more powerful against your creditors than the possibility of a federal judge coming down on them for trying to contact you after the case is filed.
Categories: BankruptcyBankruptcy MythsBudgeting TipsCredit ScoreDebt