How can we help you?
Fort Worth Consumer Collections Attorney
Are you running or representing the interests of a credit union and now need to collect debts from a member? David has been representing Credit Unions for many years. To advance your case and seek your deserved monies with confidence, retain the services of The Pritchard Law Firm.
With more than 45 years of legal experience focused on consumer and debt collections, you know you can rely on our team to help your credit union throughout your efforts. We understand collection laws in full detail, allowing you to stay within your legal rights while simultaneously doing all you can to collect on client debts that are harming your organization. Debtors may be quick to claim that you have done them wrong in a hope to stop you from attempting to collect on their debts. Do not be deterred by what threats of lawsuits they may present; we are here to ensure you are protected from recourse.
Our consumer collections attorney in Fort Worth has strong reputation for bringing fair and effective representation to creditors of all sorts, including credit unions and small banks. By exploring all your possible collection actions, we can determine what method will be right for your situation and not completely put out your clients. After all, too-aggressive collection tactics can trigger a lawsuit or lead a debtor to bankruptcy; either situation would stop you from
collecting, so we strive to find the right balance to be the most efficient for you.